4.1 Gameplay Enhancement Features

GOLD Utilities

Gold is the in-game currency drop from playing AutoHero Tezos. GOLD has some specific use cases:

  • Fuse

  • Upgrade

  • Evolve

  • Unlock Talents.

GOLD can only be minted from playing activities of AutoHero Tezos players.

GOLD can not be withdrawn from AutoHero Tezos

GOLD is not an in-game token of AutoHero Tezos

Endless Mode Tickets

Endless Mode Tickets are the battle pass for players to participate in the Endless Mode tournaments, where all the earning activities happen.

In-game Perks

Special Perks are attributes that allow players to have some specific benefits while playing AutoHero Tezos. For example:

  • Double Bullets: This perk adds 1 more bullet each time the weapon fires.

  • Heal on kill: This perk adds health to the hero character after an enemy has been eliminated.


Talents are perks that can be unlocked using GOLD. Unlocked Talents are stored in the Talents section in the AutoHero Tezos game app. Unlocked Talents are automatically applied to the hero character at the beginning of the battle.

Last updated